Yep! back there again.

The weather was better with a westerly beeze,
warm for the time of year and overcast.
Fished in front of the Lighthouse on the sand again.
I was hoping that the wind would bring some better fish.
You guessed it! No chance!
With trusty trolly to keep the kit out of the mud
and a couple of buckets for the bait I set up shop.

The High tide was at 14.02 and 10.7 mtrs (Avonmouth data).
Baits as usual, Rag, Lug, Mackeral and Squid.
Tackle was again Pennell Pulley rigs.
Catch was 7x Whiting.
This was the biggest.

This was the smallest.
What happened to it????
It was already dead?
2 ideas come to mind,
1st Other small Whiting had munched on it
2nd a bigger fish had a pop.