Arrived down at the car park at Snuff Mill at 07.30
This was the first fish caught.
A Minnow. Well it was a start.
Next fish on was a small Roach but lost it
because the hook link broke. Ouch
Never mind this one came later.
Caught 4 in total
Two small Trout were also caught
this was the biggest
Nice to see these small ones, it means they are breeding well
Also caught was a 2ld 1oz Chub but it was to dark
under the trees to get a photo.
It was the only fish caught on the fly rod.
Total for 4 hours fishing in four swims was
1 Chub, 4 Roach, 2 Trout and around 6 minnows.
Very nice start to the river season.
The water was clear (viz about 5 feet)
little flow, down stream wind and loads of what I call
summer snow.
From 3 very large trees there is loads of what looks like
cotton wool. It stops the line sinking and slows the line when casting out.