Friday, 9 April 2010

Baltic Wharf fishing 09-04-10

Fished Baltic Wharf in Bristol docks from
08.00 till 12.00

It was slow from the off, first bite was not till 09.15!
Missed it.
5 minutes later and another bite, yippeeeeee
a 2oz Roach

Bait was single caster 2" off the bottom.

6 balls of ground bait were put in at the start
with loose fed
MAGGOTS (left ) and CASTER (right)
over the top.

I also loose fed Hemp seed regularly

Spot the float tip

A close look at the surface of the water
and you will see a sheen of oil,
this came from a boat being refuelled on my right.
I caught no more fish after this smeelly diesel film
floated passed so I packed up!

In the end anther 4 roach came to the net.

This large Catamaran is tied up opposite the SS. Great Britain
There were so many aircraft flying over the Breacon
waypoint that it formed its own cloud.

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