Thursday, 7 April 2011

Bagwood Lake 07-04-11

I was invited to fish with my son at Bagwood lake.
Well as usual with my attempts to catch carp,
I failed. Whats new!

Using Tiger Nut Boillies and Sweet Corn as baits
fished over a carpet of mixed seeds,
I fished to a corner about a rod length out.

Well the result was this 3ld 6oz Bream covered in spawning tubercles,
as were all the Bream caught today.
That's it. A few dropped Bream but no carp.
Russell managed 4 carp to 15 / 16 lds
As well as a shed load of Bream.

Here are son and grandson with a typical
Bagwood Carp.
The sun shone all day and I got burnt even with
sun tan lotion.

A few of the Carp were swimming around on the surface
but paid no attention to any baits offered.

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